Milk Booster & Your Diet
Hey Mama,
I wish I could tell you that it’s going to be that easy. That when you position half a dozen pillows just so, and let go of the tension in your body; take in all of the advice you receive and follow your intuition, breastfeeding comes naturally. The truth is, for you, there’s nothing relaxing about learning to breastfeed. It’s going to be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done, and you’re really not expecting that. Despite how much you’ve prepared for this; birth takes more out of you than you can possibly imagine. The beginning, you’re going to feel defeated, overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated. Please be gentle with yourself. No one expects you to have it all figured out. Trust me when I tell you that not only can you do this, but it’s going to be one of the things you love most about being a mom. Your body does know what to do, but there’s a learning curve. (Finally, after three weeks of toe-curling pain and attempted natural remedies – probiotics galore, no sugar or booze, and an absurd amount of nipple balm – you’ll acquiesce, take the drugs, and things start to get better.)
That being said, you will find in below chapter, A quick review of our research team providing more information regarding what you are going to accomplish and the benefits related to this journey…
Breastfeeding Benefits for the mother : Breastfeeding burns extra calories, so it can help you lose pregnancy weight faster. It releases the hormone oxytocin, which helps your uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size and may reduce uterine bleeding after birth. There are continued benefits from breastfeeding beyond 1 year, and up to 2 years especially in the mother. Breastfeeding also lowers your risk of breast and ovarian cancer. It may lower your risk of osteoporosis.
How and why Breastfeeding lowers the Ovarian Cancer: breastfeeding is associated with longer periods of amenorrhea (the absence of menstruation) and therefore longer suppression of ovulation and decrease in gonadotropin levels and thus lower lifetime exposure to plasma oestradiol
How and why Breastfeeding lowers Breast Cancer: The sustained exfoliation of breast tissue during lactation and the pronounced epithelial apoptosis (process of programmed cell death) at the end of lactation could decrease breast cancer risk through the elimination of cells with DNA damage and mutations

we are here for you
In US and Canada, one in 8 women, or about 12%, may develop breast cancer over her lifetime. SO there is a huge reward in breastfeeding for mothers. (Dr S Forman PHD)
Section Title

Breast milk contains antibodies that can fight infection. Those antibodies are present in high amounts in colostrum, the first milk that comes out of the breasts after birth. Breast milk can give babies a head start in preventing and fighting infections. Breast milk has "probiotic" factors. The healthy microbiome can play a lifelong role in not only preventing infection, but also in decreasing the risk of allergies, asthma, obesity.

Asthma incidence and Breastfeeding

MILK BOOSTER and Moringa will help your fatigue when exhausted (Rich in Iron)
This plant will provide Calcium during lactation
Helps in Clotting the blood as it is rick in Vit K
This fantastic herb will help maintain overall Uterine Health
Pooling of two studies with a total of 51 patients revealed a significant mean increase of milkvolume on Day 7 in the Moringa groups of by 124 mL
Anti-cancer effect. When tested against MDA-MB-231 and HCT-8 cancer cell lines, the extracts of leaves and bark showed remarkable anti-cancer properties
Now, you know why we have used Moringa in our formulation!
Diet : More calories to meet nutritional needs while breastfeeding. An additional 330 to 400 kilocalories (kcal) per day is recommended . Multivitamin ? May be. Continued use of a prenatal vitamin postpartum may exceed the iron and folic acid needs of a breastfeeding mother. However, some people, such as those with vegan diets, may not get adequate nutrients . In these cases, breastfeeding mothers may benefit from taking a multivitamin supplement. Need for iodine and choline increases during lactation. Iodine can be found in dairy products, eggs or in iodized table salt. Choline can be found in dairy and protein food groups, such as eggs, meats, peas, and lentils.
Supplements and herbs to avoid when breastfeeding:
Aloe latex , Ashwagandha , Berberine/goldenseal (berberine is a compound found in goldenseal) , Bilberry ,Black cohosh ,Butterbur — Contains compounds that may cause liver damage (Chojkier, J Hepatol 2003) , Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) (National Library of Medicine 2018) , Echinacea , Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) (Amir, Aust Fam Physician 2011) Gingko biloba , Kava kava — Possible central nervous depression and/or skin discoloration in the breastfed baby; rarely, it may cause allergic reactions and sedation with high doses (Romm, 2010; NIH, 2020) , Kelp supplements , Licorice (National Library of Medicine 2018) , Melatonin , Quercetin , Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) , Soy Isoflavones , Turmeric/curcumin ,Vinpocetine
Fish : Fish are part of a healthy eating pattern and provide key nutrients during pregnancy,
breastfeeding, and/or early childhood to support a child’s brain development:
Omega-3 (called DHA and EPA) and omega-6 fats • Iron
Iodine (during pregnancy) • Choline
Choline also supports development of the baby’s spinal cord. Fish provide iron and zinc to support children’s immune systems. Fish are a source of other nutrients like protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and selenium too.
Fish Selection:
Best Choices:
Anchovy Atlantic-croaker Herring Scallop Lobster ShadAtlantic mackerel Shrimp Black sea bass Mullet Skate Butterfish Oyster Smelt Catfish Pacific chub Sole ClamPerch (freshwater , ocean) Tilapia Crab Pickerel TroutCrawfish Plaice Flounder Pollock HaddockSalmon Whitefish White-fish Hake Sardine Whiting
Good Choices :
Tuna Canned light Bluefish Monkfish Tilefish (At-Ocean)Buffalo fish Rockfish Tuna-albacore-white-canned-freshChilean sea bass Sheepshead Snapper Tuna-yeallowfinGrouper Spanish mackerel Weakfish-seatrout Halibut Striped bass Mahi mahi
Avoid :
King mackerel Shark Tilefish (gulf of Mexico)Marlin Swordfish Tuna-bigeye Orange roughy
Caffeine : Passes from the mother to infant in small amounts through breast milk, but usually does not adversely affect the infant when the mother consumes low amounts (about 200 milligrams or less per day, which is about 2 cups).
Milk blisters , milk blebs (white blebs) is a sign of good supply and are often caused by:
an improper latch
shallow sucking
breast-feeding at the wrong angle
Other causes include too much milk supply, or a yeast or bacterial infection.
Place olive oil on a cotton ball and place over your nipple inside your bra.
Apply vinegar to a breast pad and place over your nipple(s).
Soak your breast in 2 teaspoons of Epsom salts mixed with 1 cup of water, four times daily.
Keeping your breasts soft and nursing frequently can help to reduce milk blebs and blisters.
***Taken regularly, lecithin supplement can potentially help prevent future clogs if you're prone to them
What Else ? Sesame seeds (Crushed ) as a topping for salads or etc.... A fantastic plus to your diet and of course water . Drink a large glass of water each time you breastfeed your baby (or more)
Thank you for the sacrifices you make and the love you give…

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